Friday, June 1, 2007


Welcome to the first edition of:

The Old Bastard Speaks

The first of what I hope will be many posts relating to items of interest to me and, hopefully, to you the reader.

This is my first attempt at putting up a blog so for those of you that have more experience at this - please bear with me.

I welcome - nay encourage - opposing viewpoints, however, for those of you who like to flame those whose opinions or feelings differ from yours - you can piss off.

Today's post is about something that is actually a few days old but I feel it warrants comment anyway. (It took me a few days to get this up and running)

Andrew Speaker, an Atlanta lawyer, was diagnoses with TB and chose to fly to Europe to get married anyway. He flew commercial air to Europe and risked infecting his fellow passengers.

He had been diagnosed with multiple drug-resistant tuberculosis. But, he was told, final test results found he had an even more rare, extensively drug-resistant form, known as XDR-TB.

Officials told him him not to take commercial aircraft home, according to his statement made on "Good Morning America"

Once told of the severity of condition did he get to a hospital for treatment? NO! He then proceeded to FLY BACK TO CANADA AND COME BACK INTO THE USA THROUGH THE BACK DOOR!!!!

Speaker is now making all sorts of excuses for his behavior and claims that he was not originally told the severity of his condition and not to travel.

I think that this a prime example of a spoiled little brat who is going to do what he wants when he want to.

Consider this: If someone tells you that you have a highly contagious disease, you don't go off and run the risk of infecting others that travel with you. You certainly don't go off and run the risk of infecting your wife-to-be.

At the very least this person should be disbarred for criminal negligence and total disregard for public health safety.

What do you think?

1 comment:

Dr. M. said...

His mommy and daddy were on the television this morning defending the counselors actions.

Pretty pathetic when a lawyer is so inept that his parents have to defend his actions.

His daddy taped the conversation as well, but he didn't let anyone know.

Wait, I have a hangnail.....DAD, DAD, can you help me?