Sunday, June 10, 2007

A Call For Myopic Justice

There are two related editorials from the New York Daily News of June 9th that are very interesting in what they present to the public as the opinion of the New York Daily News about law breakers and justice.

The first one is about Paris "I'm a spoiled rotten, whiny, baby with more money than brains" Hilton and her histrionics about being punished for repeatedly breaking the law and thumbing her nose at the court, the judge and, for that matter, the rest of us who are law abiding citizens.

The second editorial chastises the senators who defeated the, hopefully, now defunct immigration reform bill that was up for a vote in congress.

How are they related? Well, on the one hand the NY Daily News gleefully applauds the decision of Judge Michael Sauer to make sure Hilton is punished as per his instructions and not the sheriffs misinterpretation of same.

"Many hearty bravos to Judge Michael Sauer, who returned Hilton to a cell for violating probation on a DWI-related conviction. Praise also for L.A. Prosecutor Rocky Delgadillo, who dragged her back to court, declaring: "We cannot tolerate a two-tiered jail system where the rich and the powerful receive special treatment." Indeed, we can't. Even if the inmate in question goes on crying jags and mourns for the company of her Chihuahua or newt or whatever creature she had been toting as a fashion accessory."

Yet the first two paragraphs in the next editorial state:

Shame on the craven senators who torpedoed an immigration reform measure that is good for America's present and future. Good for those 12 million undocumented souls who are settled here. Good for the national economy. Good - to some degree, anyway - for the security of a homeland whose border patrol operations have been markedly insufficient.

Rather than get behind a bill that addressed the reality of the country's illegal population as well as our need for foreign workers, skilled and unskilled, too many senators picked at this provision and that. Guiltiest were Republicans who bent to, or led, anti-immigrant fervor on the right.

It is obvious, according to the Daily News, that if you are a rich, spoiled, and whiny brat whose only talent seems to be the willingness to expose yourself, your stupidity, and lack of class to the general public at any given time then you should have to pay the consequences for your actions. I have to admit that I agree with this outlook 100 percent. Simply put: "Do the crime, do the time".

But then to go on to state that it is "good for 12 million undocumented (read illegal) aliens" to be rewarded for breaking the law only goes to show how out of touch with reality the editorial board of the Daily News really is.

The claim made by the Daily News that this bill is "Good for the national economy" is pure B***S***. How is it good? The illegals don't pay taxes - local, state, or federal, don't contribute to social security, send hard cash out of the country, help to drain the local educational and health care resources and when involved in a crime, violent or otherwise, flee back across the border to avoid prosecution.

To state that this same bill is "Good - to some degree, anyway - for the security of a homeland whose border patrol operations have been markedly insufficient." is only true if you use it to show just how lax and understaffed our border patrol really is. The fact that many of the illegals are repeat offenders and re-cross the border almost as soon as they are released only serves to show that we need more agents, stricter laws, and judges who are not afraid to enforce those laws and sentences on the law-breakers. If we stick them in a non-air conditioned, four to a two-man cell with no amenities and make them work for their keep for five or six years then perhaps we can get a handle on this problem.

I have no problem with anyone coming to this country for a better life, to improve their lives for themselves or their families. Many of our parents, grandparents or great-grandparents did the same thing though legal immigration. However, to start off this "better life" by not just breaking the law but flouting it in the worst way and then crying that you should be rewarded for your criminal behavior by being allowed to stay in this country and reap the rewards of your lawbreaking is pure, unadulterated crap.

"We cannot tolerate a two-tiered jail system where the rich and the powerful receive special treatment." Yet this is the very thing that the Daily News is asking us to accept for a certain low-income group. A two-tiered system that rewards that certain group of law-breakers and has us, the middle-class workers, pay the bill.

Remember, Justice wears a blindfold for a reason. Unfortunately some people want that blindfold removed and special privileges for those who have not earned the right to be in this country in the first place.

What do you think?

Monday, June 4, 2007

Crime Shouldn't Pay

This really should be titled "How To Stop Crime In 5 Years Or Less".

Someone sent this to me today and I thought that I would check it out with Snopes.

Turns out that this story is TRUE !!

Way to go Sheriff Arpaio!!!

The full story is as follows:



Sheriff Joe Arpaio (In Arizona) who created the "Tent City Jail":


He has jail meals down to 40 cents a serving and charges the inmates for them.

He stopped smoking and porno magazines in the jails. Took away their weights Cut off all but "G" movies.

He started chain gangs so the inmates could do free work on county and city projects.

Then He Started Chain Gangs For Women So He Wouldn't Get Sued For Discrimination.

He took away cable TV Until he found out there was A Federal Court Order that Required Cable TV For Jails.

So He Hooked Up The Cable TV Again Only Let In The Disney Channel And The Weather Channel.

When asked why the weather channel He Replied, So They Will Know How Hot It's Gonna Be While They Are Working ON My Chain Gangs.

He Cut Off Coffee Since It Has Zero Nutritional Value.

When the inmates complained, he told them, "This Isn't The Ritz/Carlton. If You Don't Like It, Don't Come Back."

He bought Newt Gingrich' lecture series on videotape that he pipes into the jails.

When asked by a reporter if he had any lecture series by a Democrat, he replied that a democratic lecture series might explain why a lot of the inmates were in his jails in the first place.

More On The Arizona Sheriff:

With Temperatures Being Even Hotter Than Usual In
Phoenix (116 Degrees Just Set A New Record), the Associated Press Reports:

About 2,000 Inmates Living In A Barbed-Wire-Surrounded Tent Encampment At The Maricopa County Jail Have Been Given Permission To Strip Down To Their Government-Issued Pink Boxer Shorts.

On Wednesday, hundreds of men wearing boxers were either curled up on their bunk beds or chatted in the tents, which reached 138 Degrees Inside The Week Before.

Many Were Also Swathed In Wet, Pink Towels As Sweat Collected On Their Chests And Dripped Down To Their PINK SOCKS.

"It Feels Like We Are In A Furnace," Said James Zanzot, An Inmate Who Has Lived In The TENTS for 1 year. "It's Inhumane."

Joe Arpaio, the tough-guy sheriff who created the tent city and long ago started making his prisoners wear pink, and eat bologna sandwiches, is not one bit sympathetic. He said Wednesday that he told all of the inmates: "It's 120 Degrees In Iraq And Our Soldiers Are Living In Tents Too, And They Have To Wear Full Battle Gear, But They Didn't Commit Any Crimes, So Shut Your Damned Mouths!"

Way To Go, Sheriff!

Maybe if all prisons were like this one there would be a lot less crime and/or repeat offenders.

Criminals should be punished for their crimes - not live in luxury until it's time for their parole, only to go out and commit another crime so they can get back in to live on taxpayers money and enjoy things taxpayers can't afford to have for themselves.

Now those of you who know me know that I have for years stated that we could stop most, if not all, crime in this country within five years if we or rather our elected officials had the intestinal fortitude to do some or any of the following:

Stop the early release programs and make the prisoners spend their full sentences behind bars.
Put the 'punishment' back in our penal system
Make the prisoners work for their keep.
Stop the free education system, make the prisoners pay for any education they receive.
Stop the AC, conjugal visits, Free TV, Working out at the gym.
Most of the things that we give the prisoners we pay for in our taxes. Our kids have to pay for schooling, membership in gyms, work extra jobs to get spending money for dates, etc.

Why should people who have been found guilty of committing crimes against society be allowed to have more privileges and rights then the people who were victims of those crimes?

It is time to turn this country around and make the criminals pay for their crimes.

What do you think?

The Gene Pool Could Use A Little Chlorine!

Ok, I admit that when I was younger I was known, from time to time, to do stupid things that seemed like a good idea at the time. Things like riding a bike with no hands, riding on the hoods of cars, etc. As I got older the stunts got sillier but even I, on my worst day, would not consider doing what this schmuck did.

Now acting dumb or stupid is not a bad thing per se. Some of us may not have been too bright at some time or another and what may have seemed like a good idea at the time was, in retrospect, just plain stupid. Later in life we look back and say, "Boy was I an idiot for doing that."

But this clown is my leading candidate for the "Darwin Award" for the year.

And if that is not bad enough he wants to be paid $10,000,000 (yes, that's ten million dollars) for being stupid enough to put his genitals in a mousetrap.

From the Washington Post:

'Jackass' Star Sued Over Radio Stunt
The Associated PressSunday, June 3,
2007; 5:11 AM
LOS ANGELES -- An actor is suing "Jackass" star Johnny
Knoxville, TV talk show host Jimmy Kimmel and radio personality Adam
Carolla, claiming he was never paid $10 million for doing a below-the-belt
stunt that left him severely injured. Perry Caravello claims Kimmel
never paid him for his work in the 2003 TV movie "Windy City Heat."
According to the suit, Knoxville also promised to pay him to promote the DVD
release of the film on Carolla's show last fall if he agreed to place his
genitals in a mousetrap.
"Plaintiff agreed to do so, and, much to his emotional
tranquility and to his physical harm, was severely injured when
the trap literally went on his manhood," the suit contended.
Caravello also was humiliated when clips of the incident, which he says were filmed
without his permission, made it to the Internet, his suit claims.
The suit, filed Thursday in Los Angeles Superior Court against Knoxville and others,
alleges fraud, negligence and unjust enrichment.
The suit claims that Caravello signed a contract with Dakota
North Entertainment Inc., a company that Kimmel heads. But Kimmel, Knoxville and others never paid Caravello or gave him an accounting of profits and royalties
from DVD sales of "Windy City Heat," the suit claims.
It seeks a total of $10.5 million in damages.
Calls to representatives for Knoxville, Kimmel and Carolla were
not returned Saturday.

Hopefully, the judge will throw this case right out of court.

"Plaintiff agreed to do so..."

Where in the law does it say that a person has to pay someone else because that someone else doesn't have the common sense not to pull a stupid stunt like that?

It doesn't matter if this guy signed a contract or not. It doesn't matter if this was part of his job, what matters is: Where the hell was his common sense?

Most of us stopped using the "Steve told me to do it" defense by the age of twelve. Have we become so spoiled and used to being allowed to blame somebody else for our actions that we no longer have to take responsibility for the consequences of those actions?

Is this person to be rewarded for being so stupid?

If he is to be rewarded then I say he should be forced to spend whatever money is left over from the lawyers to put himself away because he is too stupid to be allowed to live amongst the general public.

What do you think?

Friday, June 1, 2007


Welcome to the first edition of:

The Old Bastard Speaks

The first of what I hope will be many posts relating to items of interest to me and, hopefully, to you the reader.

This is my first attempt at putting up a blog so for those of you that have more experience at this - please bear with me.

I welcome - nay encourage - opposing viewpoints, however, for those of you who like to flame those whose opinions or feelings differ from yours - you can piss off.

Today's post is about something that is actually a few days old but I feel it warrants comment anyway. (It took me a few days to get this up and running)

Andrew Speaker, an Atlanta lawyer, was diagnoses with TB and chose to fly to Europe to get married anyway. He flew commercial air to Europe and risked infecting his fellow passengers.

He had been diagnosed with multiple drug-resistant tuberculosis. But, he was told, final test results found he had an even more rare, extensively drug-resistant form, known as XDR-TB.

Officials told him him not to take commercial aircraft home, according to his statement made on "Good Morning America"

Once told of the severity of condition did he get to a hospital for treatment? NO! He then proceeded to FLY BACK TO CANADA AND COME BACK INTO THE USA THROUGH THE BACK DOOR!!!!

Speaker is now making all sorts of excuses for his behavior and claims that he was not originally told the severity of his condition and not to travel.

I think that this a prime example of a spoiled little brat who is going to do what he wants when he want to.

Consider this: If someone tells you that you have a highly contagious disease, you don't go off and run the risk of infecting others that travel with you. You certainly don't go off and run the risk of infecting your wife-to-be.

At the very least this person should be disbarred for criminal negligence and total disregard for public health safety.

What do you think?